Daily Mail’s apology great achievement for Shehbaz Sharif, Lawyer

Antonia Foster of Carter Rick, the law firm that filed a case against the British newspaper Daily Mail on behalf of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, has said that the apology of the Daily Mail on false and baseless allegations was a great achievement for Shehbaz Sharif.

Foster said that the newspaper had made it clear in February this year that it was not possible to defend the allegations made regarding DFID corruption.

She said that Shehbaz Sharif’s main purpose was to get David Rose’s defamatory article deleted along with n apology from the newspaper and the result of the case proved that all the allegations made against Shehbaz Sharif were false and baseless.

She also said that the Daily Mail had mentioned NAB’s allegations in the article which were a matter of Pakistani courts so the newspaper deleted the article and apologized. Antonia Foster said that it was regrettable that the Daily Mail should not have made false and baseless allegations and despite the absence of evidence of corruption the newspaper kept the matter hanging for three years.