Inflation is not local

It is important to understand that poverty is a major factor behind the rise in the crime rate. According to research, people living in poor economic conditions are more likely to commit crimes as they lack necessities such as food and clothing. Furthermore, unemployment and underemployment can also lead to criminal activities as people struggle to make ends meet

While in the United Kingdom and later in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I noticed that every commoner was hit hard by inflation.

This is what I never witnessed in my previous visits to these places.

“Inflation is international; the ways to feel it and cope with it are local,” said a fellow passenger at an airport in London.

But often inflation and economic meltdown breed crimes.

Crime is a serious and growing problem in Pakistan. In recent years, the country has seen an alarming increase in criminal activities, which has put its citizens at risk. This rise in the crime rate has been linked to poverty, weak law enforcement, and inadequate policing. Rapid urbanization, displacement of people, and climate change have also acted as catalysts in the rise of this problem.

When the inflation rates started rising in the country, crime rates also started climbing the ladder. The safest societies in metropolitan cities such as Lahore and Karachi are not safe anymore. A few months ago in Lahore, a young woman was shot when she refused to give her car to dacoits. In the same residential area, a few months later three men shoved a woman in the back of her car in broad daylight and started driving it. After covering a distance of a few kilometres they threw her out of the car and left. These are two of the many cases that happen every day in the city. The situation in Karachi is even worse. People cannot use their mobiles in their locked cars in broad daylight as they fear they will be robbed at gunpoint and if they refuse to give up their belongings it is likely that they will be shot.

After the floods, the situation has been exacerbated. It is important to understand that poverty is a major factor behind the rise in the crime rate. According to research, people living in poor economic conditions are more likely to commit crimes as they lack necessities such as food and clothing. Furthermore, unemployment and underemployment can also lead to criminal activities as people struggle to make ends meet.

Weak law enforcement is another cause for the rise in the crime rate. Laws are not enforced stringently enough to deter criminals from committing offenses, and this leads to an increase in criminal activities. Additionally, there is a lack of resources available for police forces due to budget cuts, which further exacerbates the problem.

Inadequate policing is yet another cause of the rising crime rate in Pakistan. Police officers are often ill-equipped or understaffed, which prevents them from effectively tackling crime and maintaining law and order. Moreover, corruption within the police force makes it difficult for citizens to trust them, which further adds fuel to the fire.

Authorities in Pakistan need to take steps towards curbing this menace before it spirals out of control. The government needs to focus on poverty alleviation through measures such as employment generation schemes, education opportunities, and improved healthcare services. Additionally, strict enforcement of laws should be implemented with adequate resources allocated for police forces so that they can effectively tackle crime. Finally, measures should be taken against corruption within the police force so that citizens can have faith in their protectors once again.

These steps need to be taken immediately if we want our country to remain safe from criminal activity. It is only through concerted efforts by all stakeholders that we can hope for a decrease in crime rate and create a better environment where all citizens can live without fear of violence or threats of any kind.