Law of reversed effort

The law of reversed effort dictates that the more effort and importance we put on something, the less likely we are to achieve that thing. With too much focus on the outcome or the goal you want to achieve, you end up putting the outcome on a pedestal.

I often come across those people who are desperate to get married, but they don’t get any candidate for that purpose. On the other side, I see people who have absolutely no urge or plan to marry, yet these people have plenty of suggestions in their circle. I see people who desperately tried to pass the CSS exam with various attempts, yet they failed. And then I came across people who were not much obsessive and cracked the exam on their first attempt easily. Weird!

Universe has a weird algorithm. We often get things when we stop looking for them or when we let go. Our subconscious part of the mind takes anything we feed it. So focusing on what we want or desire will only reinforce to our subconscious mind that we currently lack that thing. So if we focus on wanting more money, this tells our subconscious mind that we are broke. Such a mindset will keep us broke.

On the other hand, if we focus on the process of what we must do to achieve the goal, we will build a subconscious self-image of being the person that follows the process and achieves the goal.

Focus on these little wins and you’ll condition your subconscious for abundance and growth rather than a fixed mindset of lack. The law of reversed effort is well explained through your desire and imagination. It is often too much focus on the desire that hinders your results. You’re so focused on a future destination that you do not use your imagination to visualize the process of getting there.

You may have a desire for something that is missing from your life, but you struggle to believe in your imagination that you can have it. Wanting and believing you can have are two very different things. Both your desires and your imagination have to be in sync for the law of reversed effort to work for you. You can work hard and keep trying to reach your desire. If you can’t imagine yourself achieving that thing or don’t believe you can then it probably won’t work out for you.

For example, you have an exam to sit for. You revise the information. You put many hours in, and you do several practice questions. You feel like you know everything you need to know and that you’ll ace that exam. But when the pressure sets in and you’re in the exam hall looking at your blank answer sheet, your mind goes completely blank. The harder you try to find the information you need, the further away that information seems to go. Frustrated by this, you leave the exam hall and not five minutes later, the answers to the test questions come flooding back into your mind. So why is this?

Well, it’s the pressure put on a situation that increases levels of anxiety and stress. Here, it is your conscious mind that gets in the way of trying too hard to find the information you need. There is an intense conscious level of importance on the task of remembering the information you need. The consequences are high because you need to pass this exam. But that high importance gets in the way of your subconscious mind presenting everything you need to ace the exam.

Relaxation and removing the importance of the outcome is how we can allow our subconscious to come to the forefront and therefore, allow ourselves to drop into a flow state where some of our best work and results are produced. There are certain people who perform very well under pressure. The severe outcomes act as a motivation for them. For example, a girl who knows she doesn’t clear the CSS will have to marry the cousin she loathes; it might motivate her to study harder. But in most cases, the focus on such outcomes distracts people. So set your goal, put all your effort and go with the flow. Don’t take things to heart and you will eventually get what you want. And it’s okay even if you don’t.