On Imran Khan, Gen Asim Munir, and Pakistan

Mr Parvin Sawhney, India’s leading strategic thinker and defense analyst, spoke on ” Force Magazine” channel on May, 24rth, on the Army-Imran Khan rift. Before going to this subject he applauded Pakistan Army’s role in ensuring Pakistan’s security over the last 75 years despite paucity of resources.
In his view the army-Imran break was distinct from such rifts in the past. Then it used to be the issue of governing the country up front. And the army always won out and took hold of power quite openly.
He believes that the present “Clash of Titans” as he terms it, was ignited not because the army wanted to curtail Imran’s power, but because of two foreign policy issues:
a. On Pakistan’s relations with Russia it was Imran’s decided view that despite U.S pressure to the contrary, these should be given higher priority than those with the U.S. The army’s position was the opposite. Mr Sawhney thinks that just a year down the line, Imran’s position entitles him to be called a visionary, as India’s tilt back towards Russia has followed in Imran’s footsteps. And the current Pakistan Government is still trying to get to where Imran had left off. It is trying to get subsidized grain and gas from Russia.
b. On the advice of the Chinese, Gen Bajwa’s position was to leave the issue of Kashmir on the back burner, without abandoning Pakistan’s position, but to nevertheless improve trade and other ties with India. On this issue, Imran’s position was that Pakistan could not come to any type of accomodation with the present Indian government, which had unilaterally torn up Article 370 of the Indian constitution, thus swallowing up Kashmir without a care for the Kahmiri people and International law and treaties on the subject.
According to Mr Sawhney, sharp differneces on these two issues became irreconcilable, and ended up tearing apart the army-Imran Khan compact.
But it is what Mr Sawhney has to say about Imran Khan and Gen Asim Munir which I consider to be the most important part of his talk. For the benefit of my readers, I am transcribing this part of his talk below. I am doing so as honestly and as accurately as possible. I have substituted some words, and filled in others, to better put across the sense that the speaker is trying to convey.

The Transcript.
“One thing should be very clear about Imran Khan which I have noticed in the past one year, and which the world at large has known about him. Politics has not bestowed any esteem on him. It is I.K who has bestowed respect on politics in Pakistan. He was already someone who was looked up to. For fifty years he has done a lot for Pakistan and lifted his country on the international stage.
” There is no doubt that in 2018 he became Prime Minister with the help of the army. But the point is that he was already an icon. When he got political power he got the respect and love of his people because he was making a contribution to politics [of Pakistan].
” Such people are not dishonest. Such people are upright, and more importantly they are not megalomaniacs i.e they are not such that they cannot bear seeing anyone ahead or above them; those not willing to discuss matters with others; or those so headstrong that they allow their convictions to run away with them without hearing out others.
” Indeed Imran Khan has convictions, but even today he is appealing [for talks]. He has no [official] power today. His power is the middle class, the women, the blue and white [collar] workers [of Pakistan]. This is his power. You can see that [almost] the entire population is standing behind him. You can see this. But [yet] he is making an appeal to the other titan [the army] to sit and talk to him.
” He has already made this clear, and people and icons like him are unafraid of [death] or fear of assassination. He is not trying to initiate talks because of any fear he may have. He wants to do this because he cannot bear to see the situation currently obtaining in Pakistan,to go on as such [without being resolved.]
“So the question now is, what is the way out for Pakistan? Among the two strongest centers of power in the Pakistan of today, I.K and the army, it is the army which is more powerful. And I.K has indicated that he would like to engage the army in talks [to resolve the current crisis]. [And the army should not get this wrong]. Imran’s outreach is not driven by fear.
“It will be proof of Gen Munir’s largeness of heart [to take up I.K’s offer]. I think it is incorrect to say that Gen Munir is unstable….[which is being spread about him]. After all the whole army is with him. Granted there are retired officers who think differently; it is also possible that the thinking in some of the lower ranks may not accord with his, and who may favour Imran Khan….but the core who secure Pakistan’s nuclear weapons etc, they all stand behind Gen Munir because he is the army chief. No one should have any doubts over this.
” It will be Gen Munir’s large-heartedness to take the step [of accepting I.K’s offer of talks]. It is not necessary for him to bring along his circle of advisors for this purpose. He should talk to I.K one on one. If elections are to be held in Oct, so be it. But for now talks between the two should be initiated [to sort out other matters] including coming to an understanding on [important] foreign policy issues.
” Your whole country is watching, and so is the entire region. [In taking talks forward] Gen Munir’s role is imperative. Personal prejudices, which both Gen Munir and Imran Khan may be carrying, [both being men of high status] should be cast aside [and talks begun].
” The world is looking at Pakistan. India is looking at Pakistan. My interest in seeing a stable and prosperous Pakistan is that this will bring prosperity to India as well, and will be best for all. Thank you.”