Their tycoons and our magnates

On July 1, I saw a photograph of Mr. Adam, a Member of Canadian Parliament from Milton city making food to distribute free to celebrate Canada Day. Similarly, we saw photographs of former President of the USA Bark Obama serving in a restaurant, Canadian Prime Minister Justin shaking hands with the people in a restaurant, and the President of a western country sitting in public transport with ordinary people. Back in 1986, in Iowa City’s post office while I was waiting for my turn in a queue, a Pakistani senior student who was in the town for the last many years entered the post office and after greetings asked me in Urdu language; do you know who is standing behind you. I looked behind and there was a young white American, whom I didn’t know. Then my friend told me that he is the Governor of Iowa state. All the local people knew him, but everyone was busy performing their duties. The queue was long enough and it took me around half hour to reach the desk man. During this time no one bothered to shake hand with the governor or even say hello.

At the last moment, I saw one ordinary young person who after looking at the Governor said; Hello Governor! How are you? Is everything going on all right? Then the Governor spoke with a smile on his face: Yes, yes, of course. In the United States, their elite class tries to encourage and give confidence to commoners. I continually asked one question to the Americans during my two-year study stay and on three other tours also. The question was: What were they proud of and almost on all occasions, I received the same answer; “I am proud of the job I have been trained for”. Americans and other western tycoons strongly believe that their constitution and laws have given them the freedom to earn huge profits, full protection, and a justice system. If they will not care for the law and rules then why would poor class obey the law, who hasn’t benefited from this constitution like them? They consider it their utmost duty to take care of law and rules and enjoy life by helping others and by adopting scientific methods of business and management. They take pride in sponsoring research and facilitating their employees.

They are always curious to devise new ways and techniques to encourage their employees and common people. On the other hand, our magnates like to keep a big distance between their employees. They encourage and our magnates like to discourage and snub lower class all the time. They feel it their honor to meet ordinary people at their level. Our magnates are fond of pumps and show. In their society, no one expects anything from others without deserving it but here we believe in flattering and it works well. They tell their subordinates that they are everything while our magnates tell ordinary people around them that they are nothing, if they and their families are alive it is because of the special kindness of these rascals. Here, our landlords and magnates are afraid of the education of their servants’, Haries’ and children. But in those societies, quality free education for up to 18 years is compulsory for all. They consider it compulsory not only for economic and social development but also for bringing the whole populace into a discipline and for extensive ethical training resulting in a strong honest society based on principles and high morals.

They take the constitution and laws as their faith. Our plunderer magnates are pure hypocrites regarding their religion and for cheap labor don’t want to see poor children in school. Our tycoons, if not politicians, give big donations to almost all big political parties. They are always blackmailed by the political leadership. Western media is independent and it only take advice from the government about their country’s interests and always stands by their government regarding foreign affairs. Our media cannot expose our magnates because they have raised the strong contingents of murderers. They take billions of dollars outside of the country and don’t trust anyone in their homeland. But western Tycoons keep their money in their country. Most of them allocate billions of dollars for the welfare of their lower classes and also for developing countries. There are examples of hundreds of tycoons who devoted all of their billions of dollars to charity. They are great because they bring new ideas, better quality, and better services for humans and their innovations and inventions brought solutions to many problems of humans. They are people with enlightened minds and broad hearts and most of them lived simple lives. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are examples.

Their tycoons give better quality and services to their customers and better salaries and remunerations to their employees. Their foreign investments are for earning profits and taking them back to their homeland. This is why all ordinary people of these developed countries want the rich people from the world over to bring their wealth to their country and provide more jobs for their people. On the other hand, there are very few landlords or industrialists who give some respect and rights to their employees. Otherwise, all employment seekers are seeking government jobs, where they need not work hard and have a lot of respect in the eyes of commoners. Most of our employers are like dacoits in the eyes of their employees. Employees know that the employers are getting more and more facilities and concessions from the government and after earning profits are taken outside of the country. They know that if this profit is kept in the country then we wouldn’t need to go after foreign investors to invest in our country, who are allowed to take a hundred percent of their profits to their home countries. This practice of foreign investments at a bigger scale can also convert the control of our economy and politics to foreign hands.

A common man can think about this, but our magnates think only about their profits and safe-heavens for hiding their wealth from the eyes of their countrymen. This reminds me of the message of a very important Iranian who asked me to take this message for my people. He met me at New York airport on June 30, 1987. He used to be a minister in Shah Pehlevi’s regime. He saved billions of his dollars in Switzerland’s banks and was going to Zurich on the same flight I was waiting for. He started a conversation with me and told me that he is going to Zurich. After my introduction, he said: “you belong to the media profession and I have a great desire to convey a message to your nation. Please try to convey it to more and more people in Pakistan. During Shah Pehlvi’s regime, I and all of Shah’s family members deposited billions of our dollars in western countries’ banks. The revolutionary government killed all of Shah’s family and relatives. Now there is no one from Iran to claim those huge deposits in the banks of Switzerland and other western countries. They have owned it all.

If someone from the Shah family is alive like me, their banks are deliberately delaying any payment to him. I have been many times in Switzerland for my money but they are annoying me and are not in the mood of returning that. Now I am again going there for the same purpose”. When we reached Zurich there were tears in his eyes. He took my hand and said: “Look at their air service they have established many international companies with our wealth. Now I am thinking alas we have kept our wealth in our banks, in that case, our poor people could make use of it. Please tell your rich people in Pakistan never to keep your wealth outside of your country. Don’t become an enemy of your nation. Your blood relatives, friends tribes, near and dears are all living in your country. Think about them all, stay with them and benefit them in whatever way you can.”

With 50 years of teaching experience, Professor Dr. Shafiq Jullandhry, a noted writer and author of award-winning books, is former chairman of Punjab University's Mass Communication Department (now School of Communication Studies); also heads Elaaf Club and Pakistan Media Guild as president. He can be reached at [email protected].

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