Woman wins millions after suing mother’s doctor for allowing her birth

Doctor sued by Evie Toombes for incorrect advice to her mother, which led to Evie being born with physical defects

Evie Toombes. Picture source - Twitter

A woman has emerged victorious in a lawsuit against her mother’s doctor for going ahead with her birth despite deformities, and has won millions of dollars.

Eve Toombes won a court-sanctioned sum running into millions of dollars because her maternal doctor was careless in treating her mother, resulting in her birth with a deformity. Toombes, who is a resident of the UK, is afflicted with a spinal condition causing a deformity in her spinal cord.

According to reports in foreign media, the woman sued the doctor regarding his incorrect advice to her mother. According to Toombes, had the doctor instructed her mother to use folic acid supplements to reduce the danger of spinal deformity, her mother could have decided to abort her pregnancy.

The judge awarded the lawsuit to the woman and stated that had the doctor counseled her mother accurately, the latter would have postponed her decision to have a child.

That measure would have produced a normal child and the woman would not have been born deformed.

The woman has documented her struggles and the specifics of her deformity on her social media pages. Here, she has revealed how it feels to go through the process of her treatment.

She said that she was directed that in order to forsake consumption of folic acid, she should have had a rich diet. The woman’s lawyers state that the full amount of the payout remains to be decided. But will potentially be substantial given the seriousness of the case.