35,984 Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza since October 7

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that at least 35,984 Palestinians have been killed and 80,643 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7. In the latest 24-hour reporting period alone, 81 people were killed and 223 injured.

The ongoing conflict has led to significant casualties, with the death toll continuing to rise amid escalating violence. The health ministry’s figures highlight the severe impact on civilians in the region as tensions persist.

Moreover, Israel’s blockade of various crossings has become a huge hurdle in getting aid into Gaza. The enclave houses millions of starving people, many of whom are on the verge of death due to hunger.

Additionally, several injured people who need immediate care are not allowed to leave Gaza. This is making their life more difficult than it already is.

Israel’s barbarism in Gaza continues as the world watches.