6.8 million animals to be sacrificed this Eidul Azha in Pakistan

The Pakistan Tanners Association has forecasted that approximately 6.8 million animals will be sacrificed across Pakistan during this year Eidul Azha.

This large-scale event encompasses the sacrifice of 2.8 million cows, 3.3 million goats, 165,000 buffaloes, and 99,000 camels.

The estimated value of the hides from these animals is significant, totaling around Rs6 billion.

Specifically, cow skins are projected to contribute Rs4.29 billion, with each hide valued at Rs1,500. Goat skins are expected to generate Rs1.4025 billion, with an individual skin priced at Rs425.

After undergoing chemical processing, the total worth of these hides is projected to escalate to Rs18 billion. If these hides are further refined into leather products, such as shoes, their value could soar to an impressive Rs35 billion.

This year, the high cost of animals might drive many to participate in shared sacrifices.


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