Army’s ‘Ilm Tolo Da Para’ project expands educational opportunities in North Waziristan

The Pakistan Army’s ‘Ilm Tolo Da Para’ campaign, which means ‘Education for All,’ is currently ongoing in the Spinwam and Shivah tehsils of North Waziristan.

The initiative was launched by the Pakistan Army in January to promote education in these regions. The campaign has continued to make a positive impact, with a focus on identifying and enrolling children who are not attending school.

The first phase of the campaign involved an educational survey. This survey identified 2,027 children who were not attending school. Following this, the Pakistan Army, with the help of local leaders and civil administration, launched a broad awareness campaign in the second phase.

As part of the awareness efforts, a documentary film was produced in Pashto to spread the message effectively. This film aimed to raise awareness about the importance of education at the local level.

In the third phase, the campaign focused on enrolling out-of-school children. So far, 332 children have been enrolled in schools as a result of this phase.

The Pakistan Army is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to education through the ‘Ilm Tolo Da Para’ campaign. Their goal is to provide educational opportunities for all children in North Waziristan, regardless of their circumstances.