A Shift from National Interests to International Interests

How nations shape their national interests largely dictates their commitment to pursuing objectives seen as beneficial on a global scale. Even when foreign ministries and officials collaborate on worldwide goals, they stay grounded in their national interests. The extent to which global considerations are woven into national ambitions plays a pivotal role in determining a country’s ability to address global challenges collectively.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda, featuring seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), brings a significant advantage by integrating national interests into the broader global perspective. Whatever a country aims for in terms of prosperity, security, resilience, and quality of life aligns with the SDGs. The SDGs encompass crucial issues related to global concerns, emphasizing a shared approach to tackling common social, economic, and environmental challenges. This comprehensive agenda received approval from 193 countries.

However, numerous governments, including some democracies led by populist figures, pursue narrow interpretations of national interest through a “zero-sum” lens in international relations. This perspective contrasts with the idea of shared interests that necessitate a “win-win” cooperation. While it would have been enlightening and motivational to include an SDG specifically for democratic governance, complete with targets and indicators to support and safeguard democracies, this was deemed politically unfeasible. Furthermore, such an addition wouldn’t have guaranteed that every country endorsing the 2030 Agenda genuinely shared the broad global vision.

The field of international relations revolves around the dynamic nature of national interests. Some scholars argue that certain interests are inherent and unalterable, rooted in power dynamics or economic well-being. Others propose a more adaptive approach, suggesting that national interests can be reshaped based on a country’s actions in specific situations. Alternatively, some assert that while national interests may possess a degree of stability, external factors like evolving norms, institutions, or circumstances can lead to significant variations.

If we acknowledge the ongoing evolution of national interests, a legitimate question arises concerning how these interests are articulated and for what purpose. Our focus is on the exploration of “non-trivial” interests—those extending beyond a state’s evident security concerns and economic survival in the face of external threats.

A country’s current interests are explicitly outlined in official doctrines and unofficial publications alike. Decisions regarding these interests often incorporate the perspectives of prominent experts. In many leading nations, the government formalizes its stance through official documents such as foreign policy or national security doctrines, concepts, or strategies. While unofficial doctrinal texts, though less accessible, play an integral and influential role, they can be found in many countries.

There is no national interests but international interests prevail in the global world. It encapsulates a perspective that challenges the conventional notion of prioritizing the interests of individual nation-states in the realm of international relations. This viewpoint suggests a departure from the traditional emphasis on national interest as the primary driving force behind a nation’s foreign policy and actions on the global stage. Instead, it posits that the well-being and objectives of the international community as a whole should take precedence over the narrower interests of individual nations.

At its core, this perspective reflects a more global and collective approach to addressing the complex challenges facing the world. Proponents of this view argue that in an interconnected and interdependent world, issues such as climate change, global security, economic stability, and public health cannot be effectively tackled solely through a lens of national interest. Rather, they require collaborative efforts and a shared commitment to addressing common challenges.

By prioritizing international interests over national interests, advocates of this perspective promote the idea that nations should work together to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable global order. This may involve fostering cooperation on issues such as human rights, poverty alleviation, and conflict resolution, with the understanding that the benefits of such collaboration extend beyond individual borders.

International interests play a crucial role in shaping and influencing Pakistan’s national interests on various fronts, ranging from economic development to security and regional stability. Economically, Pakistan is complicatedly connected to the global market, and its economic well-being is heavily dependent on international trade, investments, and financial support. Engaging with the international community allows Pakistan to access markets for its exports, attract foreign investments, and participate in global economic initiatives. Collaborative efforts with other nations and international organizations can contribute to the country’s economic growth, technological advancement, and infrastructure development, ultimately benefiting the well-being of its citizens.

In the realm of security, Pakistan’s national interests are closely tied to the dynamics of the broader international geopolitical landscape. The country faces challenges ranging from terrorism to regional conflicts, and international cooperation is vital in addressing these issues. Collaborative efforts with neighboring countries and global partners help Pakistan enhance its security capabilities, counter cross-border threats, and contribute to the stability of the region. Additionally, participation in international forums allows Pakistan to advocate for its security concerns and seek diplomatic solutions to regional conflicts, ensuring that its national interests align with broader global efforts to maintain peace and security.

Moreover, diplomatic engagement on the international stage is crucial for Pakistan to safeguard its sovereignty and national interests. Active participation in forums like the United Nations provides a platform for Pakistan to voice its concerns, seek diplomatic resolutions to disputes, and build alliances with other nations. A positive international image is essential for attracting foreign investments, gaining diplomatic support in times of need, and fostering collaborations in areas such as education, science, and technology. In essence, the interconnected nature of global affairs underscores the significance of international interests in shaping and safeguarding Pakistan’s national interests across a spectrum of domains.

DrHowever, critics argue that the concept of completely subsuming national interests to international interests may be overly idealistic and impractical. They contend that nations, as sovereign entities, have unique circumstances, priorities, and responsibilities to their citizens that cannot be easily sacrificed in the name of global interests. Striking a balance between national interests and international cooperation is often seen as a more pragmatic approach.

In nutshell, the evolving landscape of international relations is marked by a dynamic interplay between national interests and global considerations. The assertion that “there is no national interest but international interest” embodies a perspective that challenges the traditional emphasis on the sovereignty of individual nation-states in shaping their foreign policies. This viewpoint advocates for a more collective and cooperative approach to address the multifaceted challenges confronting the world today. While the United Nations 2030 Agenda stands as a testament to the potential of integrating national interests into a broader global framework, the reality is complex, with some nations, influenced by various factors, adopting a more narrow and self-centric approach.