Americans and Love-a comparison of love between Britain and America

Americans and Love is a 2024 film. It is a hallmark production and falls in the genre of romance and drama. With a runtime of 1 hour and 25 minutes, the film is a love triangle between Harriette, Ethan and Mr Darcy.

Harriette works in a library in America. She loves books and the library is her second home. Ethan proposes to Harriette but she answers with a vague ‘Maybe.”

Harriette is inspired by Jane Austen’s novels, especially Pride and Prejudice. She takes a taxi and is suddenly transported into a carriage carrying her across the suburbs and village life. Ethan asks her to take a break and connect with nature. The sudden transport into the realm of nature gets Harriette thinking that it is Ethan behind the entire plot.

She is greeted by Mrs Bennet and her family. The Bennet family is the typical Victorian family. There is Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and Lidya and now to join in Harriette the cousin from America.

The difference between the American and British cultures is highlighted through the portrayal of characters. Harriette is the typical American whereas the rest are true Britishers. One can differentiate between them through their accents.

The Victorian era is described intricately. The corsets the women were, their dresses, gloves and the ballroom dance in search of suitors are all part of the Victorian era which is very similar to our society.

Harriette and Mr Darcy are attracted to each other but Harriet once again rejects his proposal.

Who will Harriet end up marrying? Mr Darcy or Ethan? Watch the film to find out. I will not ruin the suspense.

Is Harriet finally transported to the real world or does she still live in the fictional world of Jane Austen?

The dialogue:

‘Love is a luxury only men can afford’ points to the conservative mindset of society. Why can’t women be allowed to fall in love?

On the whole, a good film. It takes one back into the past when life was simple and pleasurable. The monotony of everyday life is cut and the mind relaxes when watching the film.