Balochistan’s 870 billion rupee budget set to present on June 22

The Balochistan budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which exceeds 870 billion rupees, will be presented on June 22.

The budget promises to dramatically strengthen education, health, local government, and law and order by creating 3,000 new positions and allocating large development funding to assembly members.

According to Finance Department sources, the 2019 budget is projected to be in surplus, with more than 220 billion rupees set aside for development projects.

The education budget would increase by a record 52% to 115 billion rupees, indicating a strong commitment to improve educational infrastructure and resources. The health sector would receive 68 billion rupees for improving medical facilities and services.

Furthermore, the budget will include an extraordinary 110% rise in spending for municipalities, from 16 billion to 35 billion rupees, aimed at improving local administration and public services.

In line with environmental goals, 50 billion rupees would be set aside for solarization projects and another 50 billion rupees for the Green Pakistan initiative.

Shaheer Gul Khan is a final-year student of English Literature at Government College University (GCU) Lahore. Strives to create a challenging and engaging environment having editor skills in freelancing, a goal-oriented. He can be reached at Twitter @HafizShaheerGu1.


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