Best way to lose weight is dietary changes but how to adopt them?

PS:Dunya News

According to a report, some people quit eating to lose weight while changing daily meals can help with weight loss.

According to a report released by a health-related website, when it comes to breakfast, Greek yogurt and fruits like berries are highly recommended due to their nutritional properties.

Eating Greek yogurt and berries helps in feeling full for a longer time and reduces appetite, thanks to the abundant protein content in them.

Nutrition expert Anna Reisdorf said that including Greek yogurt can be helpful in weight loss due to its high protein content which reduces hunger and provides a feeling of fullness for a longer time thereby reducing overall calories.

She further stated that Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium and probiotics which can help in reducing fat and improving gut health as low-fat Greek yogurt contains double the protein compared to traditional yogurt.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming protein through these sources helps burn 80 to 100 extra calories per day which benefits metabolism during exercise and can lead to weight loss even during rest.

According to a report from a health website, experts have said that consuming a large amount of protein can burn 260 calories during the day as indicated by a study showing a 260-calorie increase during high-protein consumption.

Despite the high protein content in yogurt, it does not have the potential to burn more calories on its own so consuming yogurt as part of a balanced diet that includes whole grains and lean protein which promotes weight loss and boosts metabolism is recommended.

Another highly recommended food for weight loss is berries which are rich in nutrients and low in fat.

Health experts suggest that berries can aid in weight loss because they are rich in protein and fiber and consuming complete nutrition after meals can help in eating less.

Berries also have a low glycemic impact which helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

Due to the high protein content in Greek yogurt and the berries, they should be consumed in moderation as overeating them can lead to weight gain if their intake is not controlled.

Experts have also emphasized the importance of water and other elements in supporting healthy weight believing that without drinking the right amount of water, the body cannot metabolize stored fat and sometimes weight gain is interpreted as a sign of water deficiency.