Bill Gates reveals tennis as his key to staying fit at 68

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is one of the richest individuals in the world and, at the age of 68, remains quite fit and healthy. In a recent interview, Bill Gates revealed the secret to his physical fitness.

Bill Gates shared that tennis has kept him physically fit and strong. When asked about his fitness secret during the interview, he responded that playing tennis as much as possible has helped him stay in shape.

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He mentioned, “I play a lot of tennis and a little bit of pickleball, and I also take vitamins since they don’t harm. In a blog post some time ago, he mentioned that he enjoys playing pickleball, a sport created by a few friends in the 1960s as a new activity.”

Bill Gates has also played tennis with tennis legend Roger Federer, and the experience made him very nervous. “I play a lot of tennis, but playing in front of people is very challenging and focusing on the game becomes difficult.”

It’s worth noting that in December 2022, he mentioned that he enjoys playing the online game Wordle in his spare time. He admitted that he loves the game and has tried several strategies to find the game’s words.

The Microsoft co-founder said, “I enjoy spending time on this word game. Although I don’t waste too much time on it, it’s a good pass time.”

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