Brazil-Israel diplomatic spat escalates over Lula’s Gaza-Holocaust comparison

A diplomatic row between Brazil and Israel intensifies as Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira accuses Israeli counterpart Israel Katz of spreading falsehoods amidst escalating tensions over President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s contentious remarks regarding Israel’s military actions in Gaza.

Vieira’s sharp rebuke comes amid a furor sparked by Lula’s comparison of Israel’s Gaza campaign to the Holocaust, labeling it as “genocide” akin to Hitler’s persecution of Jews. The inflammatory comments have drawn condemnation from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who characterized Lula’s statements as crossing a “red line.” Katz went further, declaring Lula “persona non grata” in Israel until he retracts his remarks and issues an apology.

In response, Katz summoned Brazil’s ambassador to Israel for a meeting at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial center, a symbolic gesture underscoring the gravity with which Israel views Lula’s remarks. Brazil retaliated swiftly, summoning the Israeli ambassador to Brazil and recalling its own ambassador from Tel Aviv for consultations.

The exchange of diplomatic barbs highlights the deepening rift between the two countries, with each side vehemently defending its position. Katz dismissed Lula’s comparison as “delusional,” further fueling the controversy and widening the gulf between Brazil and Israel on the international stage.

The timing of the spat adds complexity, occurring just as Brazil prepares to host a G20 foreign ministers meeting in Rio de Janeiro. The discord threatens to overshadow the diplomatic agenda of the gathering, diverting attention away from pressing global issues such as the crises in Ukraine and Gaza.

The tensions escalate, diplomatic channels remain strained, with little indication of an immediate resolution.