Chinese Premier Li advocates for economic cooperation during Australia visit

Chinese Premier Li Qiang called for “shelving differences” and developing economic cooperation with Australia as he embarked on a four-day diplomatic visit to deepen ties and explore commercial prospects.

Upon his arrival in Adelaide, Li emphasized the importance of mutual respect and cooperation in his written statement: “History has proven that mutual respect, seeking common ground while shelving differences, and mutually beneficial cooperation are valuable experiences in growing China-Australia relations, and must be carried forward.”

He emphasized the opportunity for a “more mature, stable, and fruitful comprehensive strategic partnership” that would benefit both countries.Li is the most senior Chinese official to visit Australia since 2017.

This trip follows China’s removal of trade penalties on vital Australian commodities such as wine, timber, barley, and beef.

These sanctions, implemented in 2020 after a diplomatic schism with the previous conservative government, had cost Australian exporters an estimated AU$20 billion ($13 billion) per year.

The thaw in commercial relations began when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s cabinet entered office in 2022 and took a more conciliatory stance toward Beijing. Li’s visit is viewed as a key step toward reinforcing the two countries’ renewed collaboration, with an emphasis on common economic interests and a larger strategic alliance.

During his visit, Premier Li will meet with Australian politicians and business leaders, emphasizing the opportunities for collaboration and the mutual benefits of a stronger bilateral partnership.

Shaheer Gul Khan is a final-year student of English Literature at Government College University (GCU) Lahore. Strives to create a challenging and engaging environment having editor skills in freelancing, a goal-oriented. He can be reached at Twitter @HafizShaheerGu1.


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