Corporate Farming: Ensuring Food Security

Healthy, sustainable, and inclusive food systems are critical to achieving the world’s development goals. Agricultural development is one of the most powerful tools to end extreme poverty, boost shared prosperity, and feed a projected 9.7 billion people by 2050. Growth in the agriculture sector is two to four times more effective in raising incomes among the poorest compared to other sectors—World Bank–Overview of Agriculture and Food – March 31, 2023

The significance of agriculture in fostering economic growth cannot be overlooked. It is directly linked to the sustainability of life, plays a crucial role in poverty reduction, and contributes to the generation of economic activities that ultimately earn foreign exchange for the country. However, the potential in this sector is not being fully utilized in Pakistan.

Like other successful countries, Pakistan should equip its farmers with modern knowledge, scientific processes, innovative machinery, and tools to enhance agricultural production to meet local needs and produce exportable surplus—see the methodology of the guru of this field at his open source social media platform Pedaver. The dangerous trend of promoting housing societies in the name of so-called urbanization at the expense of productive agricultural lands should be abandoned forthwith as it constitutes a potential threat to food security. In existing and new urban spaces, we should go vertical, rather than horizontal.

As we look ahead to 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion. With this population growth, there will be a substantial increase in the dependence on the agriculture sector. The global demand for food production is projected to rise by approximately 60 percent to meet the needs of this expanding population.

According to the 2021 report of The Hunger Project, over three billion people worldwide were unable to afford a nutritious diet. The report also reveals that in 2021, approximately 29.3 percent (2.3 billion) of the global population faced moderate food insecurity, while around 11.7 percent (923.7 million) of people were experiencing severe food insecurity.

According to the report, in 2021, nearly 828 million people experienced hunger. It also brings attention to the growing gap in food insecurity, revealing that 31.9 percent of women worldwide faced moderate or severe food insecurity, compared to 27.6 percent of men.

The United Nations (UN) has a steadfast commitment to ending hunger, and Goal 2 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) emphasizes the need for collective efforts from the global community to eliminate hunger, ensure food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by the year 2030.

Despite the optimistic target set by the UN in 2015, The Hunger Project’s report reveals that by 2030, approximately 670 million people, which is close to 8 percent of the world population, will still be facing hunger, similar to the number when the goal was set to eliminate hunger.

Pakistan is among the countries facing a potential threat of food insecurity, as indicated by its ranking of 99 out of 121 countries in the World Hunger Index. The Index also scores Pakistan at 26.1 out of 50 on the scale of hunger within the country. The report attributes multiple factors, including natural disasters and poor economic conditions, as contributing to this situation.

Undoubtedly, the agriculture sector in Pakistan serves as the largest employer and contributes significantly to foreign exchange reserves. Nevertheless, it faces mounting pressure due to urbanization, requiring increased production to meet escalating demands. Despite this, the sector grapples with various challenges, such as obsolete processes, non-availability of quality seeds, high cost of production and lack of skill workers, inefficient market functioning, absence of government attention, and inadequate access to modern machinery and tools, which hinder the attainment of the necessary production levels.

Fortunately, Pakistan seems to be making strides in the right direction by embracing the concept of corporate farming on uncultivated agricultural lands belonging to federal and provincial governments. Food security remains a significant challenge, and with the escalating inflation of food-related products, the affordability of essential commodities for the common citizens may become increasingly difficult in the coming years. Therefore, the timely move towards corporate farming is the right step. This approach is expected to not only make Pakistan self-sufficient in meeting its food-related requirements but also help in generating and sustaining substantial foreign exchange reserves for the country.

Corporate farming is a well-recognized practice adopted by numerous countries, including Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, India, China, and Japan, where they invest in farms and acquire land in various countries for this purpose. Some countries have even ventured into innovative techniques like vertical farming. Pakistan has identified approximately 7 million acres of land suitable for corporate agriculture, across all its provinces. By fully embracing corporate farming, Pakistan will not only stimulate economic activities but also revolutionize its agriculture sector, unlocking potential opportunities in food processing, fishing, animal feed, meatpacking, and various related industries.

Moreover, adopting corporate farming on state lands will not only facilitate the implementation of modern irrigation systems but also contribute to land development in the country. This entails reclaiming barren lands, including deserts and hilly areas, and transforming them into arable land suitable for agriculture and farming purposes.

Emphasizing corporate farming requires the governments in Pakistan to simultaneously address the needs of small farmers by granting them access to modern processes, quality inputs, training, tools and techniques for sustainable competition. For attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) in this sector, the Board of Investment (BoI) should classify agriculture as industry, akin to other sectors, and implement investment policies tailored to induce FDI. Implementing these measures in a timely manner will pave the way for the country’s progress and prosperity.

Dr. Ikramul Haq, Advocate Supreme Court, specialises in constitutional, corporate, media, ML/CFT related laws, IT, intellectual property, arbitration and international tax laws. He is country editor and correspondent of International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) and member of International Fiscal Association (IFA). He is Visiting Faculty at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) and member Advisory Board and Visiting Senior Fellow of Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE). He can be reached on Twitter @DrIkramulHaq.