Democratic decay: Unveiling global battle for fair election

Democracies are under siege as the norms of free elections, independent courts, and individual freedom are dismantled. Democratic principles are under assault not only by foreigners but also by domestic leaders. The collapse of the Soviet Union which brought the demise of communism was such a triumphant moment for democracy. As Francis Fukuyama described it rightly in these words “the end of history “Democracy is a government that is according to human nature. By the start of the 21st century, democracies outnumbered autocracies for the first time. But in the contemporary world, democratic principles are stale and sputter. The world has become less free. From 2005 to 2022 almost 30℅ people in Latin America expressed complete distrust of their political parties on the other side 70℅ people in Italy, Greece, and Spain were not satisfied with the functioning of their democracies.

Several factors have contributed to the democratic backsliding, First, the frequent global recessions since 2008, Dramatic inequality across the globe, and rampant corruption eroded the people’s belief in a democratic system. As the idea of globalization created more losers. Whenever the geopolitical tension arose the fragility of the supply chain and sanctions tactics always pushed the poor people of the earth towards the point of collapse. So, simply people are frustrated with the nexus of Globalization and democracy as it only worked well for 30% of the world. Second, China has inspired faith in its model. As Chinese model of growth communicates a message to the countries that a nondemocratic government can also provide sustainable economic growth. Third, Russian interference in the elections of other countries including France, Ukraine, and the UK also tarnished democratic principles.
Democratic backsliding rarely happens overnight, it is a slow and systemic process and difficult to detect. I think it began in 2010 and the world had completed a decade of backsliding in 2020 but the process continued even after a decade. Leaders over the globe are dismantling democratic institutions piece by piece even world-established democracies are not immune to this trend.

As you know democracy is all about free and fair elections but just look at the elections in a few countries which were recently held in different parts of the world. In the Cambodia National Election 2023, Hun Sen’s Cambodian National Party secured 120 out of 125 seats by barring the opposition party from participating in elections. As the main opposition party was banned. In 2008, Egypt’s president Abdul Fatah Al Sisi, imprisoned, intimidated, and barred political opponents from running against him. Abdul Fatah won reelection with 97℅ percent.

Furthermore, south Asia will face formidable challenges to its democracy in 2024. Three important countries will go into the elections this Year. The elections in Bangladesh which were held in the first month of 2024 were rigged as Sheikh Hasina launched a crackdown against the opposition, second the main political party Bangladesh National Party boycotted the elections, third, voting turnout was very low and fourth, the state brutally suppressed opposition before elections. These grave indicators are enough to challenge the sanctity of the elections. Moreover, I think the pattern will repeat in India and Pakistan.

In India, BJP tame opposition, targeting religious minorities. As this Year Modi inaugurated Ram Mandir on the place of Babri Masjid. The Masjid was demolished by Hindu zealots in the 1990s and the Indian court provided them with a legal touch later on. The gathering on Ram temple was attended by a large no of citizens and actors but, I think the people were there for the funeral of secular democracy. As it was the blot on the secular character of India. On the other hand, the future of stable and vibrant democracy in Pakistan is also despondent as Pakistan had denied space to democracy in its formative phase. The state of Pakistan already endured the heat of Three martial laws with the constant cycle of changing regimes. Furthermore, the civil-military ties again deteriorated after the removal of Khan from the government. So future of democracy in South Asia is not hopeful.
The global leader, America is also dealing with the democratic regression as society is polarized due to rising inflation and political polarization. Recently Swedish think tank report added the US to the list of democratic regression. The global freedom report, last year confirmed that it was the seventeenth consecutive year in which the world has witnessed a decline in democratic freedom.

The malaise of backsliding can be reversed by strengthening the institutions, ensuring media freedom and free and fair elections, otherwise world will be ruled under authoritarian tendencies in the next twenty Years.


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