Despite Israeli aggression, over 40,000 Palestinians perform Eid ul Azha prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Despite Israeli military aggression, relentless barriers, and restrictions, Al-Aqsa Mosque resonated with the calls to prayer, and more than 40,000 Palestinians managed to enter the first Qibla and perform the Eid ul Azha prayer.

According to the international news agency, Israeli forces attacked and assaulted Muslims coming to pray Eid ul Azha at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The occupying forces vandalized the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque, harassed worshippers by checking their identity cards, and disrupted their movement.

Israeli’s Storm Al Aqsa mosque compound 

Israeli soldiers prevented thousands of Palestinians from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque for the Eid prayer, causing a wave of anger among Muslims.

The Islamic Waqf, in charge of Al-Aqsa Mosque under Jordanian administration, reported that despite the Israeli restrictions and preventing thousands of people from entering, more than 40,000 Palestinians managed to perform the Eid prayer.

Palestinian youths who were assaulted by Israeli forces and expelled from Al-Aqsa formed rows outside and performed the prayer.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, Palestinians performed the Eid prayer on the rubble of their destroyed homes. The spirit of the resilient people of Gaza was remarkable on this occasion.

Israeli settlera storm Al Aqsa Mosque 


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