German documentary highlights plight of Muslims in Modi’s India

The German media organization DW has launched a compelling documentary that sheds light on the rising predicament of Muslims in India, notably under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration.

The documentary tells the terrible stories of survivors of the Gujarat massacre, exposing the deep-seated bigotry and brutality endured by Muslims in India. Since the subcontinent’s partition, Hindu fanatics have repeatedly persecuted Muslims in India.

However, the situation has deteriorated significantly during Modi’s term, with rising animosity and institutional marginalization. The documentary is about the horrific events of February 28, 2002, when Hindu radicals attacked the Gulberg Housing Society in Ahmedabad, killing 69 people.

Among the victims were eleven Pathan family members, only four of whom survived. The survivors, who include two sisters, their father, and their grandmother, describe the horrible experience of witnessing their loved ones burned alive.

One of the surviving children describes how the awful memories haunt her dreams, while their father recounts the terror of watching his family tossed into flames. The documentary also looks at the larger background of anti-Muslim violence and discrimination in India.

Under Modi’s leadership, occurrences such as the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya and the implementation of discriminatory citizenship legislation have increased Muslims’ suffering. The legislation aiming at disenfranchising Indian Muslims highlight the growing enmity.

Since Modi’s election in 2014, Muslims’ representation in the Lok Sabha has dramatically fallen, indicating their declining political influence. Despite warnings from international groups such as Amnesty International and the United Nations, Modi’s government continues to incite anti-Muslim sentiment, resulting in widespread violence and persecution.

Shaheer Gul Khan is a final-year student of English Literature at Government College University (GCU) Lahore. Strives to create a challenging and engaging environment having editor skills in freelancing, a goal-oriented. He can be reached at Twitter @HafizShaheerGu1.


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