EU top diplomat Borrell calls for immediate ceasefire as Israel attacks Rafah

The EU’s top diplomat has called on both parties to heed the “unheeded calls of the global community” and achieve a ceasefire agreement. Josep Borrell also stressed the importance of fully and immediately implementing UN Security Council Resolution 2728.

This resolution, passed in March, demands an instant ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners, and “the urgent necessity to increase” humanitarian aid flow into Gaza.

Borrell emphasized the urgent need for a ceasefire to secure the release of hostages and provide relief to those facing starvation. He reiterated Israel’s responsibility to ensure full, safe, rapid, and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid to those in need.

Furthermore, he unequivocally denounced the recent rocket attack near the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, which resulted in the deaths of three Israeli soldiers and injuries to 11 others on Sunday.