Google uses AI to enhance users spoken english proficiency

PS:Dunya News

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to redefine the way we interact with the digital world. One such innovation comes from tech giant Google who is currently spearheading a groundbreaking initiative to revolutionize language learning through its latest feature “Speaking Practice.”

This innovative tool reported by TechCrunch is designed to assist English learners in honing their conversational skills by engaging in interactive language exercises facilitated by AI. Unlike traditional language learning methods, “Speaking Practice” goes beyond mere grammar and vocabulary drills offering users simulated conversational exchanges to enhance their real-world communication abilities.

Currently being tested in select regions including Argentina, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Venezuela, “Speaking Practice” is accessible to participants of Google’s Search Labs program. This initiative not only allows users to explore but also provides valuable feedback on early-stage Google Search experiences shaping the development of this groundbreaking feature.

Building upon previous language learning tools such as pronunciation practice introduced in 2019, Google’s “Speaking Practice” introduces a new dimension to language acquisition. By prompting users with conversational questions and requiring responses incorporating designated vocabulary and phrases provided by the AI, learners can gain confidence in holding English conversations while reinforcing proper word usage within everyday contexts.

The ultimate goal of “Speaking Practice” is twofold to empower users worldwide to master new languages effectively and to democratize language learning. By leveraging the ubiquity of its Search platform and cutting-edge AI capabilities, Google aims to rival popular language learning apps such as Duolingo and Babbel offering a comprehensive and personalized learning experience.

Google’s venture into language learning underscores its commitment to leveraging technology for educational purposes. Through initiatives like “Speaking Practice,” Google continues to push the boundaries of AI-driven innovation empowering individuals around the globe to unlock new opportunities through language proficiency.

As Google paves the way for the future of language learning, one thing is clear with “Speaking Practice” mastering a new language has never been more accessible, engaging and effective.