I don’t feel bad about my husband’s third marriage: Farah Iqrar

In a recent interview, Farah Iqrar opened up about her feelings regarding her husband, Iqrarul Hassan’s third marriage, stating that she no longer harbors any negative sentiments about it.

She also discussed her relationship with Iqrar’s first wife, Quratul Ain Iqrar, emphasizing their strong bond and mutual understanding.

Farah shared her initial unawareness of Iqrar’s third marriage but acknowledged its acceptance within their family after Iqrar revealed the details.

Regarding the potential challenges of managing multiple families, Farah noted that it might be difficult for Iqrar, but not for them.

She mentioned a shift in her perception of men having multiple wives, attributing it to her reading of the Quran rather than her own position as the second wife.