Increase in male infertility linked to plastic nanoparticles

PS: MedicalNews Today

The incidence of infertility is rapidly increasing worldwide particularly affecting men.

Scientists have identified a significant possible cause for the rise in male infertility cases which is linked to tiny particles of plastic.

Medical experts have discovered plastic nanoparticles in human testicles suggesting a potential explanation for the decrease in sperm count observed in men globally.

In a study, plastic nanoparticles were found in all samples of 23 men and 47 male dogs.

The presence of plastic nanoparticles in human testicles may lead to a decline in sperm count posing a risk of infertility in men.

Further research is needed to confirm whether plastic nanoparticles indeed cause a decrease in sperm count.

It’s noteworthy that the samples from men were obtained from individuals aged 16 to 88 who had passed away in 2016 and their samples were preserved for study.

This discovery of plastic nanoparticles in human testicles signifies a serious concern for future generations as plastic particles are now widespread across the globe.

The results of this research published in the journal Toxicological Sciences by researchers from the University of New Mexico indicate a decline in sperm count and concentration in Latin America, Asia, and Africa compared to Europe, North America and Australia.

It’s alarming to note that plastic nanoparticles have been detected in human bodily fluids including blood, amniotic fluid and breast milk indicating their pervasive presence in various organs of the body.

While the full extent of the health effects of these plastic nanoparticles is not yet fully understood, laboratory experiments have shown that they can cause damage to human cells.

Therefore, urgent action is needed to address this global crisis as the consequences of inaction could be irreversible.