India’s use of tactics and false flag operations against Pakistan is a political tool: COAS

Army Chief General Asim Munir said on Monday that India is spreading propaganda against Pakistan after the elections, using such tactics and false flag operations as political tools.

General Asim Munir visited the Haji Pir Sector at the Line of Control and was welcomed by Corps Commander Rawalpindi. He celebrated Eid-ul-Azha with the soldiers on the front lines, offering prayers and paying tribute to Pakistan’s martyrs.

According to the ISPR, General Munir praised the soldiers’ dedication and high spirits. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s stance on Occupied Kashmir, condemning India’s cruelty towards Kashmiris.

He also said that Pakistan supports peace and stability in the region and warned that any provocation or violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty will be met with a prompt and decisive response.


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