Influential man in Rawalpindi mutilates pregnant donkey

In Rawalpindi, an influential man cut off both ears of a pregnant donkey that had entered his land.

Police reported that in the Sagri area of Rwat Police Station, the influential man cut off both ears of the donkey. A case has been registered on the complaint of the donkey’s owner, Tanveer Hussain.

According to the text of the FIR, owner Tanveer Hussain stated that after the wheat harvest, he had released the donkey to drink water when it entered someone’s land. The accused, Arshad Mahmood, cut off both ears of the donkey.

According to the FIR, Arshad is an influential figure in the area, and people are afraid to mention his name. However, in a video statement, the owner of the injured donkey said he would raise his voice on every platform to seek justice for his animal.

It is noteworthy that two days ago in Hyderabad, a donkey was severely tortured and its leg was broken.

Prior to this, an incident occurred in Sanghar where an influential landlord cut off a camel’s leg.


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