Institution teaching women bus driving in Pakistan

Karachi: An institution making its own identity in the city’s leadership, an under-training bus driving school is empowering women who aspire to change societal norms.

In countries like Pakistan where job opportunities for women are relatively scarce compared to men numerous courageous women continue to tackle economic challenges by working side by side with men.

A driving school operated under the Transit Authority in Karachi is uplifting such determined women by providing training for driving passenger buses. Nineteen women and aspiring drivers are currently undergoing training in this school.

One of the trained women drivers, Samira expressed, “It takes me three hours to reach here, but I never lose courage. I want to become a bus driver in the future and show those who used to criticize me, saying I couldn’t achieve anything in life.”

Another trainee driver, Hira stated, “I don’t care what people think about me while learning to drive. My dream is to earn a dignified living as an independent bus driver in the future.”

The instructor-in-chief of the school, MDMT Kamal Dayo, mentioned that out of all the instructors only one male driver is working while the rest are women. The idea of teaching bus driving to women originated from there.

He further stated, “In the near future, our female drivers from the school will be seen driving buses on Karachi roads, earning a dignified livelihood.” Despite the challenges, these women are determined to break stereotypes and contribute to the workforce in a traditionally male-dominated field.