K-Electric demands huge increase of 10 rupees per unit

K-Electric, Karachi’s electricity provider, has proposed a substantial tariff increase, which would significantly impact consumers.

The company has requested an increase of Rs10.69 per unit in the basic electricity tariff. Currently, the average basic tariff is Rs34 per unit, but K-Electric wants to raise it to Rs44.69 per unit.

This request is part of a seven-year multi-year tariff plan. K-Electric has submitted an application to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) to set the multi-year tariff for 2023 to 2030.

In addition to the base tariff increase, K-Electric has also proposed setting transmission charges at Rs3.48, distribution charges at Rs3.84, operation and maintenance charges at Rs0.42, and retail margin at Rs0.59 per unit. They have also requested to include Rs2.7 per unit for working capital in the electricity tariff.

NEPRA has called for feedback from stakeholders within seven days regarding K-Electric’s request.