Kyrgyz Ambassador addresses recent unrest, alleges external involvement


Kyrgyz Ambassador to Pakistan Totuyev Ulanbek Asankulovich has asserted that external forces deliberately worsened the recent unrest in Kyrgyzstan, emphasizing that the situation has since calmed down.

Appearing on the news program “Rubaroo” today, Ambassador Totuyev clarified that the violent events on May 13th originated from a misunderstanding between Kyrgyz and Egyptian students, which escalated into a physical altercation.

He alleged that certain groups disseminated false information on social media on the night of May 13th and into May 14th, claiming that Egyptian students had killed three Kyrgyz students. This misinformation triggered online outrage, leading to demands for justice. The ensuing protests on May 18th, according to the ambassador, were fueled by this erroneous information.

Asked about the incident’s root cause, the ambassador stated that Kyrgyz law enforcement and intelligence agencies are investigating to determine the underlying reasons. He expressed optimism about reaching an official conclusion but maintained that the incident stemmed from a misunderstanding among young people, a common occurrence in any society.

Regarding the escalation of a seemingly minor altercation between students, the ambassador reiterated his belief that external forces intentionally amplified the situation. He accused these forces of utilizing their influence in the media, social media, and universities to spread false information and incite unrest.

Addressing concerns about delayed action by authorities, Ambassador Totuyev explained that the police and intelligence agencies initially underestimated the seriousness of the situation. This delayed response, he conceded, contributed to the escalation of violence. He believed that prompt action by local authorities could have prevented the situation from escalating.

Regarding the absence of police during attacks on foreign students, the ambassador clarified that law enforcement was present but unable to intervene due to the chaotic nature of events. He alleged that the attackers, whom he described as “malicious and disruptive,” specifically targeted foreign students in the hostels, hindering police intervention.

Ambassador Totuyev mentioned that the President had previously cautioned about intelligence reports indicating attempts by external forces to destabilize the situation. He emphasized that authorities refrained from using force against protesters on the day of the incident.

Acknowledging the presence of armed civilians among the protesters, whom he claimed were intent on provoking violence, the ambassador argued that police intervention would have played into their hands. He concluded by reiterating his belief that external forces exacerbated the situation deliberately, noting that law enforcement agencies have arrested over 20 individuals in connection with the incidents, with more arrests expected.