Lebanese Christian Leader criticizes Hezbollah’s conflict with Israel, citing harm to Lebanon

In a recent interview with the Associated Press, Samir Geagea, the leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, criticized Hezbollah for opening a front with Israel to support Hamas, stating that it has only caused harm to Lebanon without effectively impacting Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Geagea called for Hezbollah to withdraw from border areas and for the Lebanese army to take control of these positions to prevent further conflict. He stated that Hezbollah does not have the right to unilaterally decide the fate of Lebanon and its people, as there is a government representing all parties in the country.

Hezbollah’s actions have led to a rising death toll in Lebanon, with over 350 people killed, including Hezbollah fighters and civilians. Geagea expressed concern over the impact of the ongoing violence on Lebanon’s border villages and called for a resolution in accordance with a UN Security Council resolution from 2006.

Geagea also addressed the issue of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, calling for their repatriation. Despite concerns over the safety of returning to Syria, Geagea argued that only a small percentage of Syrian refugees in Lebanon are true political refugees and that those who are could seek refuge in opposition-controlled areas of Syria.

Overall, Geagea positioned himself as a leader opposing Hezbollah’s actions and advocating for the well-being of Lebanon and its people amid ongoing regional conflicts.