Link between depression and heart rate deceleration in brain

PS:Inspira Health Network

In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a significant discovery has been made regarding the intricate relationship between depression and heart rate deceleration. Published on Sunday, 28th April 2024, this research sheds light on a shared brain network between these two phenomena offering promising implications for the treatment of depression.

The study which involved 14 individuals without depressive symptoms uncovered compelling evidence of a connection between mood and physiological responses. Researchers found that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a non-invasive procedure targeting specific brain regions associated with depression also influenced heart rate patterns. This revelation presents an innovative approach to treating depression without the need for expensive brain scans.

Senior author Shan Siddiqi, MD, highlighted the potential of this discovery to revolutionize depression treatment particularly in terms of accessibility and precision. By identifying ten distinct brain locations associated with depression treatment efficacy, researchers have paved the way for personalized TMS therapy. This breakthrough promises to streamline the therapeutic process eliminating the need for lengthy diagnostic procedures and expediting treatment delivery.

Lead author Eva Dijkstra, MSc emphasized the significance of this finding in terms of its impact on clinical practice. The study’s results suggest that measuring heart rate during brain stimulation can accurately define connected brain areas, thus eliminating the necessity for an MRI scan before treatment. This advancement holds the potential to make depression treatment more accessible and efficient for patients worldwide.

Furthermore, the implications extend beyond psychiatric care as the findings could inform the development of treatments relevant to cardiologists and emergency doctors. Siddiqi envisions a future where advanced technology facilitates the dissemination of precision-targeted depression treatment to individuals globally.

This study represents a pivotal step forward in understanding the complex interplay between depression and physiological responses. By uncovering a shared brain network and refining TMS therapy, researchers have opened new avenues for personalized and accessible depression treatment offering hope to millions worldwide.