LinkedIn to introduce short video trend inspired by TikTok

LinkedIn is venturing into short-form video content, following the trend popularized by TikTok, as part of its efforts to modernize and meet user preferences.

The professional networking platform aims to redefine user engagement dynamics with its TikTok-like video feed, revealed by Austin Null, a strategy director at McKinney, through a demo shared on the platform.

This new feature, located in LinkedIn’s navigation bar under a “Video” tab, offers users a vertical feed of concise videos focused on professional themes.

Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn’s video feed is tailored for career-centric content, emphasizing its role as a platform for professional networking and development.

LinkedIn’s parent company, Microsoft, highlighted the growing demand among users for digestible video content, especially for learning from industry experts and professionals. The feature, currently in testing, aims to connect content creators with an audience seeking career insights and mentorship.

The launch coincides with the increasing use of TikTok by creators to share career advice, job hunting tips, and professional insights.

However, concerns exist about potentially overwhelming users with too much short-form video content, which could dilute the platform’s core purpose and deter those seeking a more traditional networking experience.