Masjid al-Haram Imam stresses piety and justice in Hajj Sermon

    During Hajj sermon at Masjid al-Haram, Imam and Khateeb Dr. Sheikh Maher bin Hamad Al-Mueaqly emphasized that worship is for Allah alone and only Allah’s command is supreme. He stated that whoever adopts piety will receive sustenance from sources they could never imagine.

    He made these remarks during the sermon at Masjid Nimra on the day of Arafah. He highlighted that Allah owns everything and has revealed the Quran as a mercy to improve people’s conditions. The Quran, full of wisdom from the All-Knowing, guides people to the right path, and I testify to this, he said.

    He stated that Allah grants success and salvation to the pious, and they will not suffer on the Day of Judgment. Those who adopt piety will receive sustenance from unimaginable sources, and Allah will forgive their sins and increase their rewards.

    Dr. Sheikh Maher emphasized that worship is solely for Allah and His command is the true religion. He urged people to worship their Lord, who created them and those before them, affirming the testimony of Tawheed (Oneness of God).

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    He proclaimed that Allah is One without partners; all creation and matters belong to Him. Allah said His mercy encompasses everything, and He is sufficient for those who rely on Him. He urged people to fear Allah, as piety leads to success, and not be deceived by worldly life.

    He testified that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Allah’s Messenger, sent as a mercy to all worlds. Allah commanded to follow the Prophet, and those who follow Allah and His Messenger’s commands will succeed in this world and the Hereafter.

    The Imam reminded that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Allah is sufficient for those who trust in Him. He warned of a day when neither son can help father nor father his son. Performing prayers, which prevent wrongdoing, and trusting in Allah leads to success in both worlds.

    He advised to guard against Satan’s deceptions and whispers, to speak of Allah, and to uphold justice. Those who trust in Allah will be successful in both worlds, and sustenance will come from unexpected sources. He encouraged walking on the path of righteousness, recognizing Allah’s greatness and wisdom. Islam commands to give rights to the rightful, so believers should observe the rights of others and pay Zakat.

    He stated that disobedient children will not succeed in this world or the Hereafter. Islam forbids betrayal of trust; Allah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing. Believers should obey Allah and His Messenger, as humanity was created to worship Allah. He commanded not to kill unjustly and promised forgiveness for those who follow the path of piety.

    The Imam explained that Islam protects from immorality and evil. Allah forbade unjust consumption of wealth, urged avoidance of mischief and corruption, and prohibited calling people by offensive names. The best person is one who treats their family well. Muslims should cooperate in righteous deeds, and following the pillars of Islam leads to guidance.

    He concluded by urging the public to respect each other’s rights, not to kill unjustly, and to make decisions with justice. Alcohol and gambling are Satanic acts, he warned.


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