My Guide to Resilience

Recently, I was invited to speak to the participants of a program by Home Chef about career struggles, career growth, and overall well-being of self. While everyone has their own way of looking at working life and personal life, the main course remains: life does not stop teaching us lessons every day. But these lessons are for those who want to learn. Over the years, while working under a tough schedule, I have developed certain rules, which have now become my habits, routine, and more essentially part of my life. My philosophy is to have daily practices and habits that keep you anchored, peaceful, calm, and hopeful, ultimately building resilience. Of course, I am talking about healthy habits and positive daily practices.

For me, these practices include meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga. Every morning, I dedicate time to yoga, meditation, breath work, and personal space. These practices serve as a great anchor and have become essential to my wellbeing over the years. I wasn’t always consistent with them, but I have realised that my wellbeing deteriorates if I neglect this routine. Without these practices, my energy becomes unsettled, making it difficult to stay calm and relaxed.

Life, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere, inevitably presents challenges. These challenges could be health-related, familial, financial, or related to job uncertainties. These are real aspects of life, but they are external. Therefore, it’s crucial to anchor oneself internally to handle these challenges from a place of inner peace. By maintaining a daily routine, you can navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively.
It is essential to engage in daily practices, whether it’s reading something inspirational, spending time in nature, or consuming positive content on social media. I avoid reading negative news on social media, watching television, or reading newspapers extensively. I only glance through headlines to stay informed without delving into negativity. Despite the media often highlighting negative news, there are positive stories and initiatives in Pakistan that deserve attention.

Taking responsibility for your life is vital. It is you who are to decide where to spend your time and who to spend it with. When given a choice, why not surrounding yourself with people who uplift your energy and encourage you? The task becomes easier when we reflect on whether the people around us are supportive or discouraging. It is important to be mindful of this when cultivating a positive environment for yourself.
Every day is not same but you need to remind yourself, “I believe in myself.” There will be days when you question your efforts, but persistence is crucial.

When I started CIRCLE Women Association, I had no capital or partners and began from my dining table. There were many days of doubt, and for a long time, I could not pay myself. Yet, after securing initial funding, I could hire a few people. Sharing this story with women at several platforms every other day, I keep on repeating that initial struggles are common. You might not be able to pay yourself at first, but consistency and efforts are the key.

In today’s world, mentors and supportive networks are available, like CIRCLE Women Association, which aims to help you find allies and partners. Building a community is vital. Invest in your skills, take action, and stay in the game. Adopt the spirit of starting anew every day, leaving yesterday’s challenges behind. Embrace each day with a fresh perspective, which is both liberating and invigorating.

In addition to these practices, I prioritize self-care and self-compassion. I make time for activities that bring me joy, whether it is reading, taking a walk, or simply sipping a cup of tea in peace. I also remind myself that it is okay to not be perfect and that mistakes are an opportunity for growth. By being kind to ourselves and acknowledging our efforts, we can cultivate a sense of self-worth and confidence.
Moreover, I believe in the power of gratitude and positivity. I keep a gratitude journal to reflect on the good things in my life, no matter how small they may seem. Focusing on the positive aspects of our lives can help shift our mindset and attract more positivity into our lives.

Lastly, I want to emphasise the importance of taking care of our physical health. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and sufficient sleep are essential for our overall wellbeing. By prioritising our physical health, we can improve our mental clarity, energy, and resilience.

At the end, a word of sorry must be offered for the reason that this piece of mine had so many “I” but these had to come essentially since it was all about my personal and tested experiences. There is always room for disagreeing with my words and actions as differences create challenges and overcoming those challenges bring ease, resilience, and hope.

Remember, every day is a new opportunity to start anew, learn, and grow. Embrace it with an open heart and mind.

(The author is the chairperson of Circle Women Association)