Pakistani woman pilgrim gives birth to baby boy at Arafat during Hajj

A Pakistani woman gave birth to a son at Arafat in Makkah during the Hajj pilgrimage.

She was participating in the Waquf-e-Arafat ritual at Mount Arafat when she was taken to the emergency ward of Jabaal hospital, where she delivered a healthy baby boy weighing 3 kg and 40 grams.

Saudi doctors confirmed both mother and son are doing well.

Dr. Amina al-Sheikh, the lead doctor, expressed happiness at the successful delivery, noting that witnessing such an event during Hajj is especially joyful.

Hajj is one of Islam’s pillars, and Muslims who are physically and financially able perform this pilgrimage at least once in their lives.

Millions of Muslims gather at Mount Arafat during Hajj, where they listen to a sermon and perform Zuhr and Asr prayers. Afterward, they proceed to Muzdalifa for other Hajj rituals.


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