PM Shehbaz addresses nation following completion of 100 days in office

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has addressed the nation, marking the completion of the federal government’s first 100 days in office and highlighting significant milestones achieved during this period.

PM Shehbaz emphasized that Pakistan has made substantial progress since the new government assumed power, citing a reduction in inflation from 38 percent to 12 percent as one of the key achievements.

“We have also successfully lowered interest rates on loans from 22 percent to 20 percent, increased domestic investment, and provided relief to the public by reducing petrol prices by Rs 10.50 per liter,” the prime minister stated.

Regarding the reduction in petroleum prices, PM Shehbaz highlighted its positive impact on alleviating the financial burden on ordinary citizens amidst ongoing inflationary pressures. “Lowering petrol and diesel prices aims to ease the economic challenges faced by our people,” he added.

PM Shehbaz expressed satisfaction with the government’s performance over the past three months, characterizing it as commendable. “We remain steadfast in our commitment to steer the country towards prosperity,” he affirmed.

more to follow..


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