PM Shehbaz commits to eradicate tax evasion

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif reaffirmed his commitment to ending tax evasion in Pakistan. He pledged to provide the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) with necessary resources to boost human resource development and digitization efforts.

The Prime Minister emphasized the need to widen the tax net, especially among the elite, to ensure they pay their fair share. He highlighted that the recent budget imposes minimal taxes on the middle and lower classes, targeting wealthier segments instead.

The government’s priority is to reduce the tax ratio while expanding the tax base. Plans for comprehensive digitization of the tax system were outlined to enhance efficiency and streamline tax collection. The Prime Minister directed authorities to take swift measures to document the economy and boost tax revenues through digital means.

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International firms McKinsey and Karandaz briefed the premier on revenue enhancement and FBR digitization progress. Short and medium-term plans for increasing tax revenues were presented, highlighting the potential to increase tax revenue by billions of rupees through policy implementation and digitization.


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