PM Shehbaz Sharif: Pakistan on path to progress and development

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif praised his government’s smart economic decisions and said the country is improving after facing economic challenges.

He said the government is working to ease financial burdens on people as prices rise. He mentioned a big drop in inflation and efforts to lower prices for gas and other important items.

Sharif said that because of the government’s good plans, the country’s economy is getting better. He said that inflation, which was very high before, has gone down a lot, and interest rates have been lowered, which he thinks will help businesses grow.

He also said that friendly countries have promised to invest a lot of money in Pakistan, especially in farming, energy, and other areas.

Sharif promised to get rid of government departments that cost a lot of money, which he said would save taxpayers a lot and help the country get richer.

He also said a group of ministers is making sure that government companies that are losing money are sold to other people.

He said that using computers at the Federal Board of Revenue will save a lot of money for the government. He also said that businesses will pay less for electricity.

The Prime Minister thanked people living in other countries for sending $3 billion in money last month. He said this shows they trust the government’s plans.

Lastly, Sharif wished everyone a happy Eid-ul-Adha and talked about how sorry he was about the fighting in Gaza. He said he was thinking about everyone in Kashmir and Palestine who want to be free.


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