Price of broiler chicken meat increased by 15 rupees per kilogram

Lahore- After a period of reduced prices, chicken meat has once again become more expensive in Lahore with a 15 rupee increase per kilogram.

The new price for broiler meat is now 509 rupees per kilogram. The wholesale rate for live broiler chicken is set at 338 rupees per kilogram while the retail rate is 351 rupees per kilogram. The price of farm eggs remains steady at 246 rupees per dozen.

Meanwhile, the weekly Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) report from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics indicates a 1.30% weekly increase and a 23.03% annual increase in the prices of essential items. During the week ending June 13, the prices of 8 daily-use items decreased, 24 remained stable and 19 items saw a price increase.

Over the past week, the price of onions decreased by 5%, red chilli powder by 1.95%, broken basmati rice by 1.65%, garlic by 1.32%, Irri rice by 1.08%, bread by 0.52%, flour by 0.05% and sugar by 0.02%.

Conversely, the price of tomatoes increased by 27.14%, chicken by 11.75%, electricity for the lowest income group by 8.73%, gram pulses by 7.19%, LPG by 6.14%, eggs by 3.70%, bananas by 3.22%, beef by 1.52%, moong pulses by 1.07%, mutton by 0.60%, cigarettes by 0.47% and energy savers by 0.36%.


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