PTI-P MPA charged with assaulting ANP leader in Peshawar

A police report has been filed against PTI-P MPA Iqbal Wazir for allegedly attacking ANP leader Alf Khan in Peshawar. The case was registered at the Sharqi Police Station.

The report states that Iqbal Wazir and his group hit Alf Khan’s vehicle, injuring him and two bystanders. They also damaged Alf Khan’s vehicle.

Alf Khan, a leader of the Awami National Party (ANP), was attacked and injured near the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly in Peshawar on Saturday night. The attackers included PTI-P MPA Iqbal Wazir and his associates.

Following the incident, Peshawar Police registered a case against Iqbal Wazir. Alf Khan beared minor injuries and received prompt medical attention at a hospital.


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