Rana Sanaullah: Budget to be finalized with PPP’s proposals

Faisalabad: Prime Minister’s political advisor Rana Sanaullah has stated that the budget will be finalized with complete proposals from the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP).

The government is going to reduce the size and expenses of the cabinet, and the Prime Minister will address the nation again in a month.

Rana Sanaullah affirms positive relations with PPP

Speaking to the media in Faisalabad after Eid prayers, Rana Sanaullah mentioned that the budget is proposed, discussed in parliament, and will be passed before June 30.

The Prime Minister will address the nation again in a month, and, as promised, government expenses will be reduced.

Whenever the Pakistan Muslim League (N) has tried to uplift the country, conspiracies have plunged the country back into crises. Pakistan can no longer afford such conspiracies.

PPP and PMLN reach agreement on upcoming federal budget 

According to sources, he said that the finance minister and the team have tried to minimize the impact of electricity and petrol prices and the imposition of taxes.

The IMF conditions were tougher in the last 16 months, and the national crisis is the responsibility of those who led a well-functioning country into crisis in 2017.

With the help of friendly countries, some leniency in IMF conditions has been obtained.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman is a democratic and peace-loving leader who has always stood for the stability of democracy. If there is any contact with the disruptive group, their agenda will not prevail.

Maulana’s mediation will impact the disruptive group. All parties have accepted the election results. Democracy is incomplete until the local government system is restored, and PML-N feels this gap and will work on it in the coming days.

Rana Sanaullah further stated that those making noise participated in the elections of the Prime Minister, Speaker, and Chief Ministers.

According to the constitution and law, the current parliament will complete its term. The government is going to reduce the size and expenses of the cabinet.

The Prime Minister has given a month’s time after which he will address the nation. PPP’s objections are valid, and it’s not true that there was no consultation; there were some shortcomings.

The budget is not finalized yet and suggestions are still being taken. The budget will be approved after consulting and satisfying PPP.

PPP criticizes federal govts budget handling 


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