Reducing industry electricity rates will increase exports, Power Ministers says

Photo: Power Minister Sardar Awais Leghari

Power Minister Sardar Awais Leghari stated on Sunday that the government’s move to lower industrial electricity rates will increase exports and industrial activity.

In an interview with the Dera Ghazi Khan media, he stated that innovative steps are being made to enhance the power distribution infrastructure.

According to the minister, the government is addressing problems in the power industry, such as electricity theft, with appropriate measures.

He restated the objective of eradicating electricity theft on a national scale in order to offer the general public cheaper electricity.

Leghari also emphasized the government’s efforts to lower industrial electricity tariffs by 10.69 rupees, which is expected to stimulate the economy and lead to the creation of additional jobs.

Read More: NEPRA increases basic electricity tariff by Rs. 5.72 per unit

He gave the assurance that the administration is aware of the problems facing farmers and is making every effort to help as many people as possible.

Shehbaz Sharif, the prime minister, declared earlier on Saturday that government entities making enormous losses would be shut down.

A ministerial committee has been formed, the premier said, noting, “I have decided to close institutions that have become a burden instead of offering assistance,” in his speech.

“I will come to you with a new message in a couple of months,” PM Shehbaz announced. “I think it will be a big step to reduce expenses and save funds.”

The prime minister cited his recent travels to China and the Middle East, claiming that he obtained investment commitments while there.



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