Remedy for chronic diseases like diabetes and cholesterol

Diabetes is a chronic and serious disease that affects one in every ten individuals and the number of cases is continuously increasing.

Most people suffer from Type 2 diabetes which is the most common form of the disease diagnosed in 90 to 95 percent of cases. Apart from this, Type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes in pregnant women are other important types of this disease.

All types of diabetes have one thing in common, an increase in blood sugar levels known as high blood sugar.

Our body produces insulin to control blood sugar. The pancreas produces this hormone to help glucose enter the cells in the blood.

That is when we eat something, it is converted into glucose in response to which insulin is released from the pancreas opening the cells doors and converting glucose into energy.

But the good news is that controlling blood sugar is very easy, in fact, the remedy is right in your kitchen.

Yes, really, the increased use of garlic helps control blood sugar and cholesterol. This information emerged from a medical study conducted in China.

The study published in the journal “Nutrients” examined the effects of garlic on cholesterol, blood sugar, haemoglobin A1c and blood lipids. The study analyzed data from 22 previous research reports.

These research reports included various clinical trials conducted on 1,567 individuals from different countries.

The study found that a compound in garlic called allicin has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Researchers administered garlic in various forms such as powder, oil, capsules and raw form.

Some individuals were given 300 to 22,400 milligrams of garlic powder daily while others consumed 800 to 4,200 milligrams of garlic daily.

Blood samples taken at the beginning and end of the trials were compared and results showed that the use of garlic reduced blood glucose, haemoglobin A1c, cholesterol and lipid levels.

Researchers indicated that increased levels of blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c raise the risk of Type 2 diabetes.

However, garlic had no effect on blood lipid levels.

The study concluded that the use of garlic can help protect against diabetes, heart diseases and metabolic disorders.

Researchers stated that further research is needed in this regard but the use of garlic in the diet can prove beneficial for health.


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