Roshan Digital Account inflows reach $8.055 billion in May 2024

The data showed that in April, remittances were $224 million, compared to $171 million in March and $182 million in February 2024.

These accounts offer new banking solutions to millions of Non-Resident Pakistanis (NRPs), including those with a Pakistan Origin Card (POC), who want to do banking, payments, and investments in Pakistan.

The number of accounts under this program increased by 12,960, reaching 702,610 in May 2024 from 689,650 in April 2024.

By the end of May, overseas Pakistanis have invested US $338 million in Naya Pakistan Certificates, US $582 in Naya Pakistan Islamic Certificates, and US $37 million in Roshan Equity Investment.

The Roshan Digital Account was introduced by the State Bank to facilitate overseas Pakistanis in sending remittances and investing in Pakistan.


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