Rrreefs crafted marine haven with 3D-printed art


In the depths of Lake Geneva, a ground-breaking initiative is taking shape, blending art, science and technology to safeguard delicate marine ecosystems. Meet Rrreefs which is a Zurich-based organization founded in 2020 on a mission to construct “real estate” for corals through the innovative use of 3D-printed clay sculptures.

As world leaders convene for the COP28 summit in Dubai. The spotlight turns to this unconventional conservation project. The brainchild of a Swiss NGO, Rrreefs employs clay sculptures designed with 3D printing technology to create artificial coral reefs. Nestled on a platform these clay structures resemble underwater dungeons awaiting deployment to the seabed.

The uniqueness of Rrreefs lies not only in its artistic approach but in its ecological significance. Crafted with care the sculptures serve as shelters for coral larvae transported by ocean currents. Once encrusted these tiny creatures develop the hard skeletons crucial for the formation of natural reefs.

Coral reefs comprising a modest portion of the seabed play a pivotal role in supporting underwater life. With 25 percent of marine life depending on these fragile structures reefs act as refuges, breeding grounds and food sources for fish. Additionally, they provide essential protection against coastal erosion.

The alarming decline of coral reefs due to overfishing, water pollution and marine heatwaves has spurred Rrreefs into action. Co-founder Marie Griesmar explains their unique approach, “I’m an estate agent for special animals.” Unlike traditional preservation methods that rely on cloning. Rrreefs focuses on passive restoration allowing natural reproduction to take its course.

The success of Rrreefs initial trials in the Maldives featuring 100 clay bricks demonstrated promise. The subsequent launch of a complete prototype in Colombia consisting of 228 bricks earned the affectionate nickname “El Castillo” (the castle) from local teams.

Now as the team conducts real-life tests near Geneva with larger and heavier bricks. Their eyes are set on a new installation in the Philippines. The goal is clear to offer a second chance for coral reefs to thrive and create a balanced ecosystem.

In the ever-evolving journey of Rrreefs creative problem-solving and a youthful diverse team drive progress. As they navigate the waters of full-scale tests, donations and potential partnerships with hotel chains Rrreefs stands at a crossroads. The founders emphasize the need for financial support to expand their impactful mission.

Beyond the technical intricacies Rrreefs is a heartfelt endeavour aiming not just to do good but to inspire awareness. The project’s essence lies in the dedication to preserving our oceans and the intricate beauty of marine life. With every clay brick carefully designed and placed Rrreefs continues to weave a story of hope for the future of our underwater world.