Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

PS:Media Center Dental

With regards to dental hygiene, a question that often arises is whether to brush teeth before or after breakfast. Some recommend brushing teeth immediately upon waking up while others suggest brushing after having breakfast and then cleaning teeth.

Now, a dental doctor has provided clarification on this matter via their social media account.

Dental therapist Aina Peterson, renowned for sharing dental advice on social media has explained whether one should brush teeth before or after breakfast.

According to Dr. Aina, it is advisable to brush teeth before having breakfast. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of cleaning teeth before going to bed at night.

She explained that brushing teeth in the morning before breakfast is essential because bacteria accumulate in the mouth overnight and having breakfast without brushing teeth means exposing these bacteria to food.

Dr. Aina also stated that if you choose to eat breakfast before brushing your teeth in the morning, it is essential to brush them after a 30-minute interval.

According to reports from foreign media, several other dentists have also recommended brushing teeth before breakfast.