Sindh Governor announces two camels for owner after mutilation incident

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah took notice of the incident where a poor man’s camel’s leg was cut off in Sanghar, resulting in the arrest of five individuals.

Sanghar police case over camel leg amputation 

The Governor of Sindh also announced that he would give two camels to the owner.

According to private channel, Provincial Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon stated that a case has been registered against the accused, and five people have been arrested.

Sindh police arrest five for severing camels leg in Sanghar

Although the parties involved had settled their matters, the act was unacceptable on humanitarian grounds, and thus, a case has been filed on behalf of the state.

Meanwhile, Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tessori announced that he would give two camels to the person who was victimized by the influential feudal lord in Sanghar.

Sanghar camel leg cutting suspects remanded 

Governor Sindh said that the police should take action against the real culprits of the incident and provide justice to the citizen.

He added that cutting off the camel’s leg deprived the poor man of his livelihood.

Cutting the camel’s leg for entering a field is inhumane, and no person should treat animals this way.

The month of sacrifice is meant to awaken a sense of empathy for others’ suffering.

Camel to receive artificial leg after being shifted to hospital in Sanghar


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