UK defence minister accuses China of providing ‘lethal’ aid to Russia

British Defence Minister Grant Shapps accused China on Wednesday of providing or preparing to provide Russia with lethal aid for use in its war against Ukraine. Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, Western nations have supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars in weapons and aid. This is the first time Britain has accused China of aiding Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.

Speaking at a conference in London, Shapps claimed that U.S. and British defence intelligence had evidence of “lethal aid” flowing from China to Russia and into Ukraine, calling it a significant development. Although Shapps did not provide specific evidence, he noted a 64% increase in trade between China and Russia since the war began, suggesting they are mutually supportive.

Shapps expressed concern, noting that China previously attempted to present itself as a moderating influence on Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Chinese embassy in London did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Last month, senior U.S. officials reported that China was backing Russia’s war effort by supplying drone and missile technology, satellite imagery, and machine tools. The Chinese embassy in the U.S. denied providing weaponry, stating that China is “not a producer of or party involved in the Ukraine crisis.”

Earlier this month, Putin visited China, where he and Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged a “new era” of partnership, opposing the United States on various security issues and sharing views on Taiwan and Ukraine. Despite proclaiming a “no limits” relationship just days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Beijing had avoided supplying actual weapons and ammunition for Russia’s war effort.

Shapps argued that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea have been emboldened by what he described as a quarter-century of “western timidity” towards repression and aggression. He called for NATO members to increase their defence spending to 2.5% of their GDP, urging the world to “wake up” to these threats.