Ukraine Peace Summit kicks off in Switzerland amid high hopes and geopolitical tensions

World leaders met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Switzerland for a summit aimed at paving the way for peace in Ukraine, on Saturday.

The conference, however, began without Russia’s participation, signaling only the first stage in a long process. The conference, held at the opulent Burgenstock resort overlooking Lake Lucerne, is intended to create the framework for future peace talks, which might potentially include Moscow.

Zelensky voiced confidence in the conference’s prospects, writing on social media, “We will see history being made here at the summit. We are taking the first step toward just peace, based on the UN Charter and fundamental principles of international law.”

In contrast, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a confrontational address on Friday, demanding Ukraine’s capitulation before any peace talks could begin, a posture Zelensky described as a territorial “ultimatum” akin to Adolf Hitler’s.

The summit was attended by 92 countries and global institutions, as well as over 50 heads of state and government, including G7 leaders. Notably, US President Joe Biden was represented by Vice President Kamala Harris, who promised more than $1.5 billion in fresh aid to Ukraine.

The two-day summit comes at a critical time for Ukraine, which has been battling Russian soldiers since February 2022. Despite international help, Ukrainian troops confront severe hurdles on the front lines, and expectations for fast victories are low.

“I hope that it will result in some changes in the future. However, as experience indicates, nothing comes of it,” said Maksym, a tank commander in the Donetsk region. The summit agenda includes discussions about nuclear safety, food security, and humanitarian challenges.

A second conference is planned, with the aim that Russia will eventually participate and engage in a unified peace effort.

Shaheer Gul Khan is a final-year student of English Literature at Government College University (GCU) Lahore. Strives to create a challenging and engaging environment having editor skills in freelancing, a goal-oriented. He can be reached at Twitter @HafizShaheerGu1.


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