UNRWA report allegations of sexual violence against Palestinian detainees by Israeli army

A report by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) sheds light on the treatment of Palestinian detainees, revealing that in “most” documented cases, the Israeli army compelled male detainees, including men and boys, to “strip down” to their underwear.

According to the report, both male and female detainees recounted experiencing threats and actions that could be classified as sexual violence and harassment by the Israeli army during their detention. Male detainees reported instances of being subjected to beatings on their genitals, with one detainee describing being forced to sit on an electrical probe.

Additionally, female detainees spoke of psychological abuse they endured. One 34-year-old female detainee recounted the soldiers’ derogatory remarks and physical assaults, including threats to apply pepper to sensitive areas.

On Wednesday, the UN will initiate a global appeal for donations amounting to $2.8 billion to support Gaza’s population and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Andrea De Domenico, head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian territories, disclosed that the majority of the funds, around 90 percent, will be allocated to Gaza.

De Domenico noted that the initial plan had proposed a budget of $4 billion for 2024. However, due to challenges in humanitarian aid distribution access, the budget was scaled back.